Hi. I loved looking through your galleries. Thank you for sharing them. Chrissie
04-Jan-2011 23:06
Hi, very nice photographs! I like them a lot. I came across your page when seeking info on the Panasonic GF-1, I have also switched from a slr camera, from a canon EOS40D to the GF-1, but I donĀ“t think my pictures is as good as yours, how have you set up the camera?
Martin Grengby / Sweden
25-Nov-2010 21:58
Thank you for sharing your pictures. I am truly amazed by what you can shoot with the small gem GF1.
Best regards
09-Jan-2010 18:06
Hi dear Dirk;
welcome to Pbase.Thanks for leaving your kind comment on my gallery. I'm really enjoying your excellent galleries!
Best regards.